The Color Green

Today, we are exploring the color “Green” which falls in the Cool Color Category along with Purple, Blue and Turquoise.  Cool colors tend to have a calming effect but when used alone, they may feel cold or impersonal. Accent colors from the warm or neutral color group will balance this effect.  Green is in the middle of the color spectrum and therefore can be paired with a wide range of accent colors: rich reds, burgundies, pinks, lilacs and violet.  “Green” is often associated with:

Green: Balance, renewal, being natural, healthy, tranquil, and harmony!

Green is growing more popular for weddings irrespective of the time of year. The shade of green should coordinate with the season.  Light airy hues of green, pastels and mint, are recommended for spring events. Summer requires brighter and bolder shades of green. For fall, sage and darker green hues are appropriate. Winter calls for jewel tones like emerald.

Popular pairings for the Fall are: green with a rich copper brown, olive and pumpkin, and gold, white, plum and green.


Late-Night Snacks


The Color Orange