The Color Blue

Today, we are focusing on the color “Blue” which falls in the Cool Color Category along with Purple, Green and Turquoise.  Cool colors tend to have a calming effect but when used alone, sometime they can feel cold or impersonal.  If you are leaning towards blue or one of the other cool colors, think about adding an accent color which would add some warmth to your palette. But for now, let’s just explore the words associated with the color “Blue”.

Blue: Peace, Trust, Loyalty, Spirit, Content, Rescue, Generous, Open

Blue: Tends to be a popular and neutral color on a global level.  It’s said this color lowers pulse rate and body temperature and creates productivity. 

The color Blue is used often corporate settings but also for social affairs.  Why does the bride wear something blue?  Perhaps for its calming effect!

We have been seeing all hues of blue from cornflower to navy with ivory, yellow, pink and fuchsia accents.   We still see some of the latest trends pairing soft blue tones with silver accents that are inspired by the movie Frozen.


The Color Purple


The Color Red